Showing 1 - 10 of 305
and Innovation: From Idea to Excel -- Chapter 9: Post-Heroic Leadership, Resilience, and Well Being -- Chapter 10: Post … of post-heroic leadership, including resilience and innovation. Featuring mini-case studies from leaders in healthcare … development, culture, human resource management, creativity, and innovation management. …
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Introduction: An Overview of the Research -- Business Incubation -- Entrepreneurship, Opportunities and Entrepreneurial Learning -- Research Methods -- The INNOSPACE Experience -- The Role of Prior Knowledge in Opportunity Identification -- Learning and Opportunity Development in INNOSPACE --...
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Chapter 1. A Humanistic and Creative Philosophy of Design -- Part 1. Value Creation in Virtual Innovation Spaces … -- Chapter 2. Interpersonal Trust Activity to Increase Team Creativity Outcome: An fNIRS Hyperscanning Approach -- Chapter 3 … Screen Reader Users: Challenges and Opportunities -- Part 2. Fostering Innovation Behavior and Co-evolution -- Chapter 7. A …
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, and mindset into digestible thoughts for experts with an itch for improvement and innovation in domains like technology …
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Ageism-Concept and Origins: Liat Ayalon & Clemens Tesch-Römer -- Ageism: The Relationship between Age Stereotypes and Age Discrimination: Peggy Voss & Klaus Rothermund -- Multiple Marginalizations Based on Age: Gendered Ageism and Beyond: Clary Krekula, Pirjo Nikander, & Monika Wilińska --...
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Increased longevity means that current structures for employment and retirement in Switzerland are not sustainable. To enable individuals and companies to thrive in our ageing society, changes in our social norms and attitudes about work and ageing need to occur. Philippa Dengler examines what...
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Introduction: Demographic Change and Its Implications -- Literature Review on Ageing Research -- Literature Review on Career Concepts and Learning in the Context of an Ageing Society -- Methodology and Research Design: A Qualitative Case Study of Middle-Aged Non-managerial Employees and Managers...
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health on the experiences of older workers. Bringing together an international team of scholars, it tackles issues as gender …
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In diesem Fachbuch erfahren Führungskräfte, wie sie Mitarbeiter verschiedener Altersgruppen erfolgreich (zusammen)führen können. Zunächst werden die theoretischen Grundlagen beleuchtet: Was bedeutet es, in einer sich verändernden Arbeitswelt zu führen? Wie können Führungskräfte ihrer...
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1. Einleitung: Führen von Jung & Alt -- Bedeutung alter(n)sgerechter Führung -- 2. Individuelle Perspektive: ältere & jüngere Mitarbeiter -- Lebensphasen eines Menschen -- Altersverlauf von Werten und Bedürfnissen -- Kompetenzen im Altersverlauf & Einflüsse auf die fluide Intelligenz --...
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