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In this thesis it is analyzed if promoting product market competition can help to to fight unemployment in Europe. We have used a general equilibrium model in order to study how reducing mark-ups and increasing productivity in one sector affect aggregate unemployment for an exogenously given...
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Since 1986, Nigeria has gradually been integrating with the global economy. This paper examines the effect of globalization on employment and wages in Nigeria. The effects of globalization have been difficult to isolate and evaluate theoretically and empirically due to it multi-faceted nature,...
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Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama vyrų bei moterų padėtis darbo rinkoje ir integracijos į darbo rinką galimybės, bedarbystės problemos bei priežastys. Darbo tikslui pasiekti naudojau įvairius metodus: anketinė analizė, mokslinės literatūros analizė, norminių aktų analizė,...
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Šalies visuomenę vis labiau jaudina jaunosios kartos socialinės problemos, kurių sprendimas šiandienos sunkmečio sąlygomis ypatingai ribotas ir sudėtingas. Viena opiausių socialinių problemų, jaunimo nedarbas, paskutiniu metu ne tik nemažėja, bet kaip ir bendras nedarbo...
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Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama viena opiausių šių dienų ekonominių ir socialinių problemų – spartus nedarbo augimas ir gyventojų užimtumo mažėjimas. Tokius ryškius darbo rinkos pokyčius sąlygojo pasaulinė ekonominė ir finansų krizė ir ją lydintis ekonomikos...
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Vários fatores como escolaridade, renda per capita, experiência, maternidade, raça, dentre outros, têm contribuído para a exclusão de mulheres jovens no mercado de trabalho. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar a situação das mulheres jovens, com idade entre 15 e 24 anos, no mercado de...
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The recent release of the final results for the 2001 Census presents an opportunity to assess the net change in employment outcomes for Indigenous Australians for the period covering the first two Howard administrations. This paper uses demographic techniques to make valid comparisons over time,...
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The development in the labour market, unemployment, the lack of job opportunities and the adjoining migration of the population with all the consequences are still more topical questions. The endangered groups of people are women, people with low qualification and the young people including the...
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The aim of this paper is to characterize women’s unemployment in the labour market in South Bohemia and find out what are the conditions for the women’s admission to occupation, particularly after maternity leave. For this purpose I examined the necessary information from the Czech...
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Globalization has entered a new stage, with new and varying constellations of winners and losers and thus, calls for a new policy paradigm. In contrast to the traditional way of thinking - the welfare state redistributes purchasing power to the disadvantaged to support them in the event of...
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