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This paper uses the Italian Social Security employer-employee panel to study the effects of the Italian reform of 1990 on worker and job flows. We exploit the fact that this reform increased unjust dismissal costs for firms below 15 employees, while leaving dismissal costs unchanged for bigger...
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We document the consequences of real exchange rate movements for the employment, hours, and hourly earnings of workers in manufacturing industries across individual states. Exchange rates have statistically significant wage and employment implications in these local labor markets. The importance...
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adjustment costs can cause a mean-preserving increase in unemployment risk to lead to increased consumption. The predictions of … risk as their unemployment shocks are more highly correlated. Such couples spend more on owner-occupied housing than other … higher moving costs, or when unemployment insurance provides a less generous safety net …
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productivity risk is greater than the value of unemployment insurance which provides (partial) insurance against employment risk …
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This paper argues that hysteresis helps explain the long-run behavior of unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment … is influenced by the path of actual unemployment, and hence by shifts in aggregate demand. I review past evidence for …
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additional leisure and personal maintenance, not in increased household production. There is no relation between unemployment … lower amount of market work in areas of long-term high unemployment is offset by additional household production. In … contrast, in those areas where unemployment has risen cyclically reduced market work is made up almost entirely by additional …
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When asset values fall, the owners of collateralized loans are not in an enviable position. Nonetheless, they possess a kind of monopoly power over their borrowers that they do not possess when borrowers are solvent. Lenders maximize profits by price discriminating, but create deadweight costs...
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consistent with increasing inequality in every country, growth in residual wage inequality, rising unemployment, and reallocation … within and between industries. While the opening of trade yields welfare gains, unemployment and inequality within sectors … nonmonotonic effects on unemployment and inequality within sectors. As aggregate unemployment and inequality have within- and …
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Some workers bargain with prospective employers before accepting a job. Others could bargain, but find it undesirable, because their right to bargain has induced a sufficiently favorable offer, which they accept. Yet others perceive that they cannot bargain over pay; they regard the posted wage...
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show that a binding minimum wage -- while leading to unemployment -- is nevertheless desirable if the government values … redistribution toward low wage workers and if unemployment induced by the minimum wage hits the lowest surplus workers first. This …
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