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market and education and training systems, and the dynamics of knowledge creation and innovation at the enterprise …Recent work on national systems of innovation has argued that there are systemic relations between national labour …
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D'après l'Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle et l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, un élément de nouveauté inclut des caractéristiques nouvelles ne faisant pas partie du fond de connaissances existantes dans le domaine technique considéré. Nous partons de l'idée...
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, knowledge is actually becoming the principal value of reference in the new business model, and beyond business, may well prove … fast, lest many will fall behind and the “Knowledge Divide”, so much more important than the widely talked-about “Digital …
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, knowledge is actually becoming the principal value of reference in the new business model, and beyond business, may well prove … fast, lest many will fall behind and the “Knowledge Divide”, so much more important than the widely talked-about “Digital …
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D'après l'Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle et l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, un élément de nouveauté inclut des caractéristiques nouvelles ne faisant pas partie du fond de connaissances existantes dans le domaine technique considéré. Nous partons de l'idée...
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Technology transfer and innovation are considered major drivers of sustainable development; they place knowledge and … universities, and how they can interact with key actors and institutions involved in 'innovation ecosystems'. Considering various … approaches of innovation and institutional analysis design (IAD), it proposes an institutional model of innovation where …
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This paper extends the standard work effort model by allowing workers to interact through networks. We investigate experimentally whether peer performances and peer contextual effects influence individual performances. Two types of network are considered. Participants in Recursive networks are...
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We use data from the Trajectoires et Origines survey to analyze the labor-market outcomes of both second-generation immigrants and their French native counterparts. Second-generation immigrants have on average a lower probability of employment and lower wages than French natives. We find however...
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La croissance de la productivité est examinée par les macro-économistes car elle joue des rôles clés dans la compréhension de l'épargne dans le secteur privé, les sources des chocs macroéconomiques, l'évolution de la compétitivité internationale et la solvabilité des régimes de...
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Can Continuous Training Reduce the Gender Wage Gap ? : This paper investigates the returns to formal and informal on-the-job training with an emphasis on gender wage differences. The analysis is based upon the French data set Formation continue 2000. We estimate a system of three simultaneous...
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