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The Barcelona CREI Macroeconomics Summer School offers an overview of the current state of research in key areas of macroeconomics. Course list for 2022: - The Economics of Immigration: Card vs. Borjas, time horizons, and spatial equilibrium; - Macroeconomic Policy in the Global Economy; -...
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The BSE Labor Economics Summer School covers a wide range of topics in labor economics from a variety of perspectives. In particular, this summer school offers courses that will cover recent developments within the macro-labor and micro-labor contexts. In each course, both theoretical and...
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Conference Tracks: - Business in society; - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management: New Opportunities and Challenges; - Human resource development in a new reality; - International business and emerging markets; - Managing Diverse Talent in a Divided World; - Marketing: current trends &...
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Topics: - Administrative Law; Regulation; Taxation; Public Finance - Antitrust; Competition Law; Regulated Industries - Behavioral L&E; Law & Decision Theory; Experimental L&E; Methodology - Civil and Criminal Procedure; Evidence; Litigation; Settlement; ADR - Constitutional Law; Public Choice; Public...
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Due to the coronavirus health crisis, the Barcelona CREI Macroeconomics Summer School 2021 has been cancelled. Our highest priority is the safety of our course participants, instructors and staff. The Barcelona CREI Macroeconomics Summer School will return in summer 2022.
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The Barcelona Economics Summer Schools offer one-week courses in Economics, Finance, Data Science, and related fields. This year's edition will take place from June 28 through July 16 and includes both online and face-to-face course offerings.
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The Barcelona GSE Data Science Summer School introduces participants to some of the tools and methods of Data Science. Course list for 2021: - Foundations of Data Science; - Using Text as Data: Methods and Applications; - Deep Learning and Applications.
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The Barcelona GSE Finance Summer School covers several key areas of finance, including corporate finance, investments, derivatives pricing and portfolio optimization. The Barcelona GSE Finance Summer School covers several key areas of finance, including corporate finance, investments,...
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Macroeconometrics is an important area of research in economics. Time series methods for empirical macroeconomics have become very popular and widely used in the academia as well as in public and private institutions. The goal of the Barcelona GSE Macroeconometrics Summer School is to offer...
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Banking Summer School courses cover recent developments in different areas of banking, including theoretical and empirical aspects of banking, banking regulation and supervision, financial markets and payments systems. During the courses, the faculty are available to discuss research ideas and...
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