Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Topics: - Modelling with high frequency data and market microstructure - Fund management and trading rules - Funds of funds and balanced funds - Advances in asset management and portfolio optimisation - Relative value and market neutral strategies - Modelling volatility and correlation - Risk...
Persistent link:
Topics: - Modelling with high frequency data and market microstructure - Fund management and trading rules - Funds of funds and balanced funds - Advances in asset management and portfolio optimisation - Relative value and market neutral strategies - Modelling volatility and correlation - Risk...
Persistent link:
Topics: - Modelling with high frequency data and market microstructure - Fund management and trading rules - Funds of funds and balanced funds - Advances in asset management and portfolio optimisation - Relative value and market neutral strategies - Modelling volatility and correlation - Risk...
Persistent link:
Topics: - Modelling with high frequency data and market microstructure - Fund management and trading rules - Funds of funds and balanced funds - Advances in asset management and portfolio optimisation - Relative value and market neutral strategies - Modelling volatility and correlation - Risk...
Persistent link:
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