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CICF invites papers from all areas of Finance. In addition, we would like to encourage authors to submit to the special sessions on China Focus and Emerging Markets Focus.
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CICF invites papers from all areas of finance, with additional special sessions focusing on issues relevant to the financial development of China and other Asia-Pacific countries.
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Papers in all areas of finance are welcome. The conference follows the format of major international conferences, with additional special sessions focusing on issues relevant to the financial development in China and other Asia-Pacific countries.
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Starting in 2007, financial research centers around the globe began organizing conferences in the area of emerging market finance. This year, the fourth conference,co-organized by CCFR and CAFR, will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
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The 6th China International Conference in Finance provides an open platform to bring together scholars, worldwide, to present research and to stimulate discussions on new developments in finance. Papers in all areas of finance are welcome. The conference follows the format of major international...
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