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The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas and experice among economists conducting quantitative analysis for policy and decision making in the public and private sectors. The conference will cover all areas of applied economic modeling and data science.
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The following courses will be offered: - Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Modeling Step-By-Step ; - Energy and Environmental CGE Modeling with GAMS ; - Macroeconometric Modeling, Forecasting, and Policy Analysis using EViews ; - Practical General Equilibrium Modeling with GAMS ; -...
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The conference Mathematical Methods in Economics is a traditional meeting of professionals from universities and businesses interested in the theory and applications of operations research and econometrics. Scope of the Conference: Operations research; Econometrics; Multiple criteria decision...
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The EcoMod Modeling School will offer in Prague, 8 five-day intensive hands-on courses in general equilibrium modeling, GVAR, DSGE, fiscal and budgetary policy and macro-econometric modeling using GAMS, Matlab, dynare and Eviews. Introductory and advanced levels. The following courses will be...
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The EcoMod Modeling School will offer intensive hands-on courses in general equilibrium modeling, GVAR, DSGE, fiscal and budgetary policy and macro-econometric modeling using GAMS, Matlab, dynare and Eviews. The following courses will be offered: - Energy and Environmental CGE Modeling with...
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The objective of the seminar is to bring together research on innovation and policies that promote the innovation process and their effect on the competitiveness and sustainability of European agriculture and rural areas. This general objective can be expressed through five specific objectives/...
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The objective of the Conference is to introduce foreign and Czech institutions which deal with a variety of rural issues, and to enable the participants to discuss and exchange experience at three levels (international, national and local). Topics: - Social change and restructuring in rural...
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In cooperation with "Conference and Meeting Resources" of the American Economic Association (AEA) Logo of AEA