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Keynote lectures will be given by: - Susan Dynarski (Harvard University) - Brian Jacob (University of Michigan) - Sarah Turner (University of Virginia)
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Keynote lectures will be given by: - Susanna Loeb (Brown University), - Sandra McNally (University of Surrey), - Christopher Taber (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
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Due to the COVID-19 exceptional emergency and the situation in Italy we are forced to cancel this year edition of IWAEE.
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Topics: all applied areas of education economics.
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The purpose of the conference is to bring together game theorists in the UK to present and discuss original research in the area and also to build up a network between them and Lancaster. The conference will consist of plenary talks and contributed sessions, and will address all aspects of game...
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We wil consider contributions across all areas of applied economics of education. Participants will have the opportunity to submit their paper to a special issue of the journal Education Economics.
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