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The workshop aims to provide a platform in which researchers of the three institutions (Bundesbank, ECB and CFS/University) present and discuss their current research on topics related to macroeconomics and finance. We encourage especially junior presenters to submit their work and invite senior...
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This workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing innovative research on the financial determinants of foreign exchange rates. Economists working in central banks, academics and the private sector are welcome to participate.
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Topics: - The basics in payment and settlement systems - The central bank and market infrastructures - The Eurosystem and market infrastructures - The development of the market infrastructure for payments and securities handling - Market infrastructure - issues of common interest
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The papers to be presented at the conference should address one or more of the following issues: - Global imbalances and their adjustment mechanisms; - International financial flows and their determinants; - Asset price co-movements and contagion phenomena; - Risk-sharing through the global...
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Topics that could be addressed during the conference are: - Efficiency and systemic importance of current and evolving CCP structures, including corporate governance/ownership structure - Management of credit, liquidity, operational, legal and other risks by CCPs - Mutualisation of counterparty...
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The present conference focuses on financial development, integration and stability in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, i.e. the new EU member states, candidate and potential candidate countries as well as the European countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Relevant...
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The conference will focus on issues related to risk measurement and systemic risks from a central bank perspective. Special emphasis will be devoted to questions relating to sources and consequences of financial contagion and its relation to other forms of systemic risk, macro stress testing,...
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Research on European labour markets is of particular interest for the ECB as their functioning affects the economic environment in which the ECB's monetary policy of maintaining price stability is conducted. In this regard, labour markets have a particular role to play for the euro area's...
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The conference is part of the ECB-CFS research network on "Capital Markets and Financial Integration in Europe" ( and of the RTN network on "Competition Policy in International Markets" co-ordinated by the CEPR ( Its...
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