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Conference Themes: (1) Dynamic aspects of ownership and control structures (2) New dimensions of firm-society interactions and governance implications (3) Public and private enforcement and dynamic changes
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The HHL Center for Corporate Governance, in collaboration with the Global Corporate Governance Forum, will bring …
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Conference topics: - Dynamic aspects and effects of ownership and control structures in emerging market corporations - Political economy and institutional aspects of corporate governance in emerging economies - Corporate social responsibility, the role of stakeholders and sustainable development
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The conference is expected to provide new thinking and new approaches to Corporate Governance research in emerging markets. Papers on the following topics are especially encouraged: (1) Dynamic aspects of ownership and control structures (2) Inside the Emerging Market Companies (3) The role of...
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The conference will bring together researchers investigating the impact of corporate governance on emerging markets’ firms performance and economic development in general, and the roles of legal, economic and political institutions in determining corporate governance systems. The conference...
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