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The goal of the symposium is to bring together leading economists working in any area of labour economics. The keynote speakers are Enrico Moretti (University of California, Berkeley and CEPR) and Alessandra Voena (University of Chicago and CEPR). This event is both online and in person
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The goal of the symposium is to bring together leading economists working in any area of labour economics.
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The mission of the Global Tax Symposia (GTS) is to be an interdisciplinary mobile research platform on fundamental issues of international and comparative taxation. The 2021 Global Tax Symposium will address topics crossing the spheres of taxation and human development. We call for papers that...
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The 2021 PhD Global Tax Symposium will address topics of international taxation that might be of relevance for the current global tax agenda. These topics include personal taxation, wealth taxes, the digitalization of the economy, use of artificial intelligence in tax matters, environmental...
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The goal of the symposium is to bring together leading economists working in any area of labour economics. The keynote speakers are Enrico Moretti (University of California, Berkeley and CEPR) and Alessandra Voena (University of Chicago and CEPR).
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Topics: - The role of heterogeneity in income/wealth for the transmission of monetary and prudential policies; - Distributional consequences of conventional and unconventional monetary and prudential policies.
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Conference programme: - Session 1 “Welfare analysis”; - Policy Panel: “Reforms to pension systems: from academia to policymaking”; - Session 2 “Taxing Wealth” ; - Session 3 “Firms and place-based policy” ; - Session 4 “Health and public policy” ; - Session 5 “Pensions and...
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Research at the Paul Woolley Centre aims at understanding the workings of capital markets and the social efficiency of allocations these markets achieve. The research departs from the Arrow-Debreu view of frictionless markets, and emphasises the role of financial intermediaries (e.g. investment...
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Proposed conference themes: Theme 1 - CCP default management; recovery and resolution; Theme 2 - FMI operations – technology; FMI applications of fintech; operational risk management; Theme 3 - FMI networks, interdependencies and resilience. Submissions are encouraged from policy-makers,...
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The goal of the symposium is to provide a forum for high-quality work in labour economics and to bring together economists in the field from across Europe as well as key researchers from outside the region. Paper proposals are invited in any area of labour economics.
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