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European postal operators are facing unprecedented declines in mail volumes, exacerbated by the economic downturn. This event will provide expert insights into the strategic measures required to reduce operating costs, adapt offerings to meet changing customer expectations, and grow revenues...
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Our annual European Nuclear Forum provides an ideal opportunity to keep abreast of developments in nuclear power across Europe. With the nuclear renaissance forging ahead despite challenging conditions, and work continuing on providing the highest level of decommissioning and waste disposal...
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Hot topics for 2010 include, capitalising on competition, opportunities for expansion throughout Europe, supporting growth and modal-shift through effective regulation, the challenge of infrastructure and how we can move toward a sustainable transport network.
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Key questions to be addressed include: - Are the Regulators doing enough to incentivise investment in critical infrastructure? - How can Government and industry work together to profitably and sustainably deliver 2020 targets? - How can utilities engage customers more effectively to drive...
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"Retail Banking in Europe" is firmly established as the industry-leading strategic event, bringing together high-level speakers and delegates from across Europe to debate the key challenges facing retail banks in this period of change. Attendees will benefit from an in-depth analysis of issues...
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The State of the Economy conference, now in its 27th year, will offer the perfect forum for these stimulating discussions. As always, an excellent line up of speakers will guarantee an exclusive insight into the major topics of discussion, which range from an assessment of the Bank of England's...
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The Future of Distribution in Financial Services has established itself as a leading forum for the key players in financial services distribution to come together to debate the challenges and opportunities presented by the Retail Distribution Review and the evolving distribution landscape.
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The aviation sector is facing some of the worst market conditions in living memory. Although oil prices have fallen from their record highs, offering airlines some respite, the global recession has subsequently caused dramatic falls in traffic and declining yields, forcing many airlines to cut...
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Banks are working hard to restore trust in the industry and promote a stable and robust banking sector. The conference will help attendees to create informed strategies to respond to this changing environment and emerge from the economic downturn with revitalised consumer confidence, resilience...
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The event of Cost Reduction in Insurance comes at a time where insurers are facing increased pressure to improve efficiency and increase profit margins, and is therefore of increased pertinence to all who work within the sector.
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