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The 9th Summer Workshop of NBP is an annual event that brings together Polish economists affiliated with both domestic and foreign institutions. Its aims are to provide space for exchange of ideas and to lay foundations for future cooperation.
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The workshop will provide an opportunity to share the latest practical solutions in forecasting used by central banks and other institutions and to discuss relevant research developments. Modelling and forecasting of growth, inflation and related higher-frequency indicators are within the scope...
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Topics: - Univariate and multivariate density forecasts: evaluation, combination, presentation, - Applications of unobserved component models, mixture models, non-linear or non-Gaussian models, - Modelling of structural instabilities and time varying relationships, the use of shrinkage...
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Podczas seminarium organizowanego w dniu 5 grudnia 2011 r. zostanie zaprezentowany raport dotyczący mechanizmu transmisji polityki pieniężnej w Polsce, a także wybrane studia empiryczne dotyczące tego zagadnienia, autorstwa zarówno pracowników Narodowego Banku Polskiego, jak też osób...
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Topics (1) impact of globalization on monetary policy (with special emphasis on the following channels: product market, labour market, non-financial and financial services), (2) implications of global imbalances for monetary policy, (3) modelling monetary policy under globalization.
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The workshop aims to establish a platform for the discussion and sharing experience between the representatives of central banks and the members of academic community, regarding measurement of economic agents' expectations, the methods of formulating those expectations, and the role they play in...
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