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Das Tagungsthema lautet: "Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft: regional vernetzt und global erfolgreich". Beiträge zum Tagungsthema können z.B. zu den folgenden Bereichen gehören: - Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch regionale Cluster - Regionalvermarktung: Ausgestaltung, Förderung, Wirkung -...
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Topics: - Reconsidering the Goals of Competition Law - The multiple objectives of EU competition law and some reasons why we need a debate - How to Reconcile the Deontological Nature of Competition With Welfare-Oriented Economic Goals - Fundamental preconceptions of how markets work versus...
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Topics: Consumer heterogeneity, with applications studying business cycles and their welfare costs; the origins and evolution of consumer wealth inequality; asset pricing; the effects of fiscal policy; the effects of monetary policy; labor markets; earnings inequality; family formation and...
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The seminar seeks contributions discussing both the origin of risks and income fluctuation in agriculture as well as possible solutions. The intention is to discuss the appropriate mix of policy and private risk management instruments and their joint impact on farm-level risk and income...
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