Showing 1 - 10 of 23
the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and with the support of the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy …
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Development Economics. We plan an in-person event at the Stockholm School of Economics. This plan is subject to changes depending …
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The workshop offers PhD students from Nordic universities a forum to present their research and get feedback from faculty and fellow students. In addition, the workshop aims to provide an opportunity for PhD students and faculty to meet and interact. The workshop is open to doctoral students in...
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We invite papers by authors working in different academic fields and covering different aspects of well-being. Papers addressing inequality in well-being by gender are particularly welcome. The workshop will combine full-length seminar-style contributions of approximately 30 minutes with shorter...
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The conference aims to promote and diffuse high quality economic research on the mechanisms driving corruption and tax evasion, their relationships with institutions and their consequences on economic outcomes. A specific feature of this conference is to get insights from investigative...
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The conference will bring together academics and investors, business people and policymakers to discuss recent research on a broad array of topics on sustainable finance. The programme will include a presentation by Harrison Hong, Columbia Business School in addition to a selection of recent...
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Due to the uncertainty of the current circumstances, this event will take place online, unless otherwise advised.
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Topics: - Asset allocation and debt behaviour over the life cycle - Financing retirement and the demographic transition - Consumer indebtedness, financial distress, and default decisions - Behavioural approaches to household finance - Financial literacy and financial education programs - Trust,...
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The Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (formerly known as the International Society for the New Institutional Economics) promotes rigorous theoretical and empirical investigation of the nature, behavior, and governance of organizations and institutions using approaches drawn...
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This two-day seminar is the eleventh in a series of biannual Nordic workshops focusing on Industrial Organization (IO). The overall purpose of the workshop is to stimulate cooperation and exchange of knowledge among Nordic researchers in the field. Nordic researchers are invited to submit papers...
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