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The conference will bring together diverse perspectives on the application of system dynamics to important issues in the theory of complex dynamic systems and the practical use of these tools to address critical real-world challenges. A small sampling of the topics to be addressed...
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Topics: - Regional, national and global economic dynamics - Environmental and ecological challenges - Health care policy - Agent-based and evolutionary modeling - Industry evolution: interactions of competition and organizational capabilities - Corporate strategy - Organizational change and...
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The theme of the conference is 'The dynamics of innovation in networks'. Topics: - Organizational change and improvement in business and beyond - Public policy applications - Advances in the modeling process and group model building - System dynamics contributions to theory building in the...
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Topics: Regional, national and global economic dynamics - Environmental and ecological challenges - Health care policy - Agent-based and evolutionary modeling - Industry evolution: interactions of competition and organizational capabilities - Corporate strategy - Organizational change and...
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EconBiz Events on Mastodon Mastodon
In cooperation with "Conference and Meeting Resources" of the American Economic Association (AEA) Logo of AEA