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This course provides a self-contained set of lectures to bring PhD students and practitioners up to speed on electricity market design. The goal is to offer some economic tools and simulation models using elements of game theory, auction theory, and industrial organization that will allow...
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The goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together economists and legal scholars in order to advance our understanding of the relationships between competition, standardization, and innovation, as well as their implications for public policy. It aims at fostering exchange between...
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The conference will bring together economists and legal scholars in order to advance our understanding of the relationships between competition, standardization, and innovation, and their implications for public policy. It aims at fostering exchange between the two disciplines in this field...
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After two economic governance workshops that focused on the role of competition (in 2010) and organizations (in 2013), respectively, we now strive to stimulate the debate about the role of (pro- and anti-)social preferences for the design of optimal institutions, both formal and informal, as...
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The conference, “Economic Governance and Organizations” aims to assemble scholars studying the structure and commonalities of organizations that mitigate economic governance problems. We invite submissions of theoretical, empirical, and experimental work, as well as case studies.
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Topics (non-exclusive): - Under which conditions can private ordering replace public courts? What are the main benefits and the main costs associated with this substitution? - Should private institutions step in if the public court system fails? Who should set them up and who should pay for...
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