Showing 1 - 10 of 53
The Productivity, Efficiency and Measurement Analytics (PEMA) research group at the University of Sydney Business …
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The Health Services Research Association of Australia & New Zealand (HSRAANZ) supports and promotes the conduct and dissemination of applied research to improve the delivery and organisation of health services in Australia and New Zealand. Speakers and delegates at the Health Services Research...
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The Academic Association of Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools (AAHANZBS) aims to bring together historians of business, labour, economic, accounting, mining, transport and other areas in business and management schools in Australia and New Zealand together to promote...
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High quality academic papers on all aspects of development economics are welcome. We particularly encourage papers with policy insights relating to the Asia-Pacific region.
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researchers. We plan to host ANZWEE15 as a fully in-person workshop on campus at The University of Sydney. …
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The theme of the conference is: 'Work Not As Usual'. This theme allows us to explore key issues for employment relations research including, but not limited to, the following: - The work-related impacts and implications of COVID-19 - The challenges presented by low-paid and insecure forms of...
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Unfortunately, due to travel restrictions in the Australasia region, ICAR 2021 has been postponed until further notice. The area of anti-consumption involves much research relevant to the business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. Indeed, anti-consumption is...
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The Academic Association of Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools (AAHANZBS) aims to bring together historians of business, labour, economic, accounting, mining, transport and other areas in business and management schools in Australia and New Zealand together to promote...
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Topics: Engaging orthodox economics and finance theory; Heterodox economics and finance theory; Derivative and structured finance; Finance and social theory; Gendered finance; Central banking and shadow banking; Financial crises, past and present; Historicity and futurity; Gifts and debts; Money and...
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Proposals for presentations of research papers on any topics in the history of economics are invited.
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