Showing 1 - 10 of 14
The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high-quality papers dealing with the economics of …
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TThe Urban Economics Association seeks to promote participation and excellence in academic research in urban and regional economics. The UEA welcomes all those in the economics profession with an urban related component to their research and encourages the participation in its annual meetings in...
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The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high-quality papers dealing with the economics of …
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Postponed to 2022. The UEA Summer School is designed for PhD students with an interest in urban economics including inter alia housing, real estate, transportation, local public good provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy. The...
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The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high quality papers dealing with the economics of …
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The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high quality papers dealing with the economics of …
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This Summer School is designed for Economics PhD students with an interest in Urban and Regional topics. In addition to those students specialized in Urban and Regional Economics, we encourage the participation from PhD students in Labour, Development, Public, Trade and other applied fields who...
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The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high quality papers dealing with the economics of …
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The Urban Economics Association is an informal association, whose members are economic researchers with a focus on urban topics. The group seeks to promote participation and excellence in academic research in urban and regional economics.
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The 2017 Edition of the Summer School is designed for Economics PhD students with an interest in Urban Economics. In addition to those students specialized in Urban Economics, we encourage the participation from PhD students in Labour, Development, Public, Trade and other applied fields who want...
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