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Proposals on any aspect of agricultural and resource economics, including teaching, research, and/or extension are encouraged.
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Proposals on any aspect of agricultural and resource economics, including teaching, research, and/or extension are encouraged.
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Common research topics include: - International development - Climate change - Biofuels - Linkages between food and health - The Farm Bill - Land use and water resource issues - Regional economics - Business economics - Behavioral economics
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Proposals on any aspProposals on any aspect of agricultural and resource economics, including teaching, research, and/or extension are encouraged.
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Proposals on any aspect of agricultural or resource economics, including teaching, research, and/or extension are encouraged.
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The overall theme of the Congress will be "Agriculture: Food, Fiber and Energy for the Future." Authors are asked to address these themes in their papers/posters.
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"This conference will introduce you to Risk Navigator-SRM. Navigator includes a handbook and matching webtools designed to be a fun, practical and useful way to learn about identifying and managing agricultural risks. The program is based on the ten-step strategic risk management process." "This...
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The website is no longer available.
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EconBiz Events on Mastodon Mastodon
In cooperation with "Conference and Meeting Resources" of the American Economic Association (AEA) Logo of AEA