Showing 21 - 30 of 46
Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis diskutieren in der Reihe „Nürnberger Gespräche“ aktuelle und drängende Probleme des Arbeitsmarktes. Die Veranstaltung findet zweimal jährlich im Historischen Rathaussaal der Stadt Nürnberg statt und steht allen Interessierten...
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The Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Economics and the Tobin Center for Economic Policy at Yale University will host the 17th Annual FTC Microeconomics Conference on November 14 and 15, 2024 in Washington, D.C. This event will bring together scholars working in areas related to the FTC’s...
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Die 11. Konferenz „Forschen mit dem Mikrozensus“ bietet eine Plattform zur Diskussion von inhaltlichen und methodischen Beiträgen aus allen Arbeitsgebieten der Sozialwissenschaften und angrenzenden Disziplinen. Darüber hinaus dient die Konferenz dem Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen...
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The 117th Annual Conference on Taxation will cover a broad range of topics in tax policy and public finance. We welcome submissions from the fields of accounting, economics, law, and public policy and administration, as well as research from other fields or by practitioners that relates to these...
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The Latin American Economic Association (LACEA) and the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of the Econometric Society (LAMES) are pleased to announce that the 2024 meeting will be hosted by the Universidad de la República (Udelar), in Montevideo, Uruguay, on November 14-16, 2024. This is a...
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This must-attend event welcomes all healthcare stakeholders and is directly relevant to researchers and academicians, assessors and regulators, payers and policy makers, the life sciences industry, healthcare providers, and patient engagement organizations. This global scientific event will...
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The conference welcomes paper submissions on a broad range of topics related to the economics of AI such as innovation, firm creation/destruction, business economics and strategy, organizational economics, macroeconomics and finance, inequality, education, healthcare, labor markets, machine...
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Like many countries, the U.S. has a federal system of government, with public policies designed and implemented at federal, state and local levels. Sound policy design and implementation therefore requires thoughtful consideration of how policies play out, and interact, at multiple levels of...
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The Southern Economic Association is one of the oldest economics associations in the United States, dating back to a conference held in Atlanta in November 1928. The Southern Economic Journal began publication in 1933 and is the eighth oldest American scholarly journal in economics. From its...
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The Justus Liebig University Giessen in conjunction with the GGS invites academics and PhD students to submit papers for consideration of presentation at the 6th Conference on Behavioral Research in Finance, Governance and Accounting. - Applied Microeconomics - Behavioral Economics - Behavioral...
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