Überlegungen zu einerinteraktionsökonomischenTheorie der Nachhaltigkeit
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Suchanek, Andreas |
Institutions: | Wittenberg-Zentrum für Globale Ethik |
Subject: | Nachhaltigkeit | Wirtschaftsethik | Theorie | Heterogenität |
Extent: | 962560 bytes 18 p. application/pdf |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | German |
ISBN: | 3-86010-745-3 |
ISSN: | 1612-2534 |
Classification: | Strategic management ; Sociological and psychological aspects ; Market research ; Individual Working Papers, Preprints ; No country specification |
Source: | USB Cologne (business full texts) |
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