A case study of regulatory confusion : paid parental leave and public servants
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Williamson, Sue |
Published in: |
The economic and labour relations review : ELRR. - London [u.a.] : Sage, ISSN 1035-3046, ZDB-ID 1304744-9. - Vol. 26.2015, 3, p. 430-447
Subject: | Collective bargaining | equality bargaining | gender equality | paid maternity leave | paid parental leave | public sector employment | working conditions | Elternzeit | Parental leave | Weibliche Arbeitskräfte | Women workers | Gleichberechtigung | Gender equality | Lohnstruktur | Wage structure | Öffentlicher Dienst | Civil service | Mutterschutz | Maternity protection | Tarifverhandlungen | Arbeitsbedingungen | Working conditions | Australien | Australia |
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