Analysis of carbon mitigation policies: feed-in tariffs, energy and carbon price interactions and competitive distortions on carbon markets
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Johanna Reichenbach |
Subject: | Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Faculty of Business | Economics and Social Sciences | climate policy | emissions trading | emission taxes | feed-in tariffs | learning by doing | spill-overs | energy prices | VECM | portfolio allocation | market power |
Global economic integration, technology diffusion and climate change
Michael Hübler, (2010)
Andreas von Döllen, (2007)
Anticipated shocks, optimal monetary policy, and welfare
Roland Winkler, (2009)
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Reichenbach, Johanna, (2013)
Subsidies for renewable energies in the presence of learning effects and market power
Reichenbach, Johanna, (2011)
Subsidies for renewable energies in the presence of learning effects and market power
Reichenbach, Johanna, (2011)
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