Are counterparty arrangements in reinsurance a threat to financial stability?
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Davison, Matt ; Leadbetter, Darrell ; Lu, Bin ; Voll, Jane |
Publisher: |
Ottawa : Bank of Canada |
Subject: | Financial stability | Financial system regulation and policies | Financial institutions | Financial services |
Series: | Bank of Canada Staff Working Paper ; 2016-39 |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Other identifiers: | 10.34989/swp-2016-39 [DOI] 865896259 [GVK] hdl:10419/148146 [Handle] RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-39 [RePEc] |
Classification: | G10 - General Financial Markets. General ; G15 - International Financial Markets ; G18 - Government Policy and Regulation ; G22 - Insurance; Insurance Companies ; G28 - Government Policy and Regulation ; C63 - Computational Techniques |
Source: |
Are counterparty arrangements in reinsurance a threat to financial stability?
Davison, Matt, (2016)
Models of financial stability and their application in stress tests
Aymanns, Christoph, (2017)
Hedge Funds and Financial Stability: The State of the Debate
King, Michael R., (2007)
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Are counterparty arrangements in reinsurance a threatto financial stability?
Davison, Matt, (2019)
Are counterparty arrangements in reinsurance a threat to financial stability?
Davison, Matt, (2016)
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