Balanced budget rules and fiscal outcomes: Evidence from historical constitutions
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Asatryan, Zareh ; Castellon, Cesar ; Stratmann, Thomas |
Publisher: |
Mannheim : Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) |
Subject: | Economic effects of constitutions | fiscal rules | historical public finances | sovereign debt crises | difference-in-differences | synthetic control method |
Series: | ZEW Discussion Papers ; 16-034 |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Other identifiers: | 87585902X [GVK] hdl:10419/148651 [Handle] RePEc:zbw:zewdip:16034 [RePEc] |
Classification: | H60 - National Budget, Deficit, and Debt. General ; K10 - Basic Areas of Law. General ; N40 - Government, War, Law, and Regulation. General, International, or Comparative |
Source: |
Balanced budget rules and fiscal outcomes : evidence from historical constitutions
Asatryan, Zareh, (2016)
Balanced budget rules and fiscal outcomes: Evidence from historical constitutions
Asatryan, Zareh, (2017)
Balanced Budget Rules and Fiscal Outcomes: Evidence from Historical Constitutions
Asatryan, Zareh, (2016)
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Balanced budget rules and fiscal outcomes : evidence from historical constitutions
Asatryan, Zareh, (2016)
Balanced budget rules and fiscal outcomes : evidence from historical constitutions
Asatryan, Zareh, (2016)
Balanced budget rules and fiscal outcomes : evidence from historical constitutions
Asatryan, Zareh, (2017)
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