Board of Regents Report 1944-1946 Page 37
iREPORT OF THE STATE AUDITOROffice of the State AuditorCarson City, Nevada, February 6, 1946. The Honorable Board of Regents, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. (jENTiiEMEN. The accouuts of the office of Comptroller of the Uni¬ versity of Nevada have been audited for the period beginning January 1 1945, and ending December 31, 1945.' Results of the audit and the financial condition of the institution are reflected in the comments and the following schedules: Schedule No. 1—Balance Sheet. Schedule No. 2—Endowments. Schedule No. 3—Receipts. Schedule No. 4—Disbursements. Schedule No. 5—Recapitulation. Schedule No. 6—Cash Reconcilement. Schedule No. 7—Reconcilement of Revolving Fund. Schedule No. 8—Receipts and Disbursements, State Funds. Schedule No. 9—Recapitulation—All Funds.We wish to express our appreciation for courtesies extended us dur¬ ing the course of the audit.Very truly yours,Grant L. Robison,State Auditor. ' c—Hon Vail Pittman, Acting Governor. Hon. Henry C. Schmidt, State Controller. Mr. C. H. Gorman, Comptroller, University of Nevada.COMMENTSDuring the calendar year 1945, available funds increased by H819.23. The increase in the Regents fund balance of $27,913.65. mi ¦^™*^ balances decreased $24,094.42. During the calendar year :*% receipts from the university State tax were $300,839.65 and from ,^'e same source for the calendar year 1945 there was received $308,- ";^'^, or an increase of $7,830.08.<ti-no, siidowments increased $181,001.42 during the year, from ^^3,921.81 to $596,923.23.L
Institutions: | University of Nevada, Board of Regents |
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