Extent: | Online-Ressource, 51 p., text ill |
Series: | Upjohn Institute working papers. - Kalamazoo, Mich. : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ZDB-ID 2164806-2. - Vol. 04,107 |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Arbeitspapier ; Working Paper ; Graue Literatur ; Non-commercial literature |
Language: | English |
Notes: | Systemvoraussetzungen: Acrobat reader |
Other identifiers: | hdl:10419/64331 [Handle] |
Classification: | D24 - Production; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity ; G34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance ; L33 - Comparison of Public and Private Enterprises; Privatization; Contracting Out ; P31 - Socialist Enterprises and Their Transitions |
Source: | ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW |
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10002836325