Editorial, News, Bio shares, Biocomputing, Books, Meetings, ABA officeholders, Issues.
Australasian Biotechnology, Volume 8 Number 2, March/April 1998, pp.66-85 Editorial, News, Bio shares, Biocomputing, Books, Meetings, ABAoffice holders, Issues. Code Number:AU98013 Sizes of Files: Text:122K Graphics: No associated graphics files FROM THE PRESIDENT A lotis happening at the ABA. In the last 6 months we have lost twoPresidents, Graeme Woodrow and Ian Nisbet, to fresh fields overseas.Both Graeme and Ian were not only skilled scientists in our currentlytoo sparse biotechnology industry, but also tireless workers for thegood of this industry. NEWS Florey Centenary South Australian-bornHoward Florey was born 100 years ago. He joined the team that tookAlexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin on to commercialisation asthe world's first antibiotic. Along with Fleming and Ernst Chain,Florey won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Science Policy Geared toElection "Decks Cleared for Action": FASTS The new science policydocument released recently by Australia's peak council for scientistsand technologists is geared to an election in 1998. AlzheimerCollaboration Biotechnology firm Biota Holdings Limited todayannounced it will work with the Howard Florey Institute of ExperimentalPhysiology and Medicine on the development and commercialisation of atreatment for memory-related disorders, including Alzheimer's Disease. Money for Health Partnerships to Boost Exports Multinational healthcare companies will be encouraged to work with Australian manufacturersin a $500,000 project to develop, adapt and export locally-made medicalproducts. Genetic Screen Success Finalist for Australian TechnologyAward PreScreen, an innovative and non-invasive screen for detectingserious fetal genetic diseases as early as six weeks into a pregnancy,should be ready for testing in selected medical centres later thisyear. Delft Study Tour In July 1998 a delegation of the KluyverInstitute for Biotechnology will visit Australia. Brewing ResearchInternational's new Director General's "down-under" tour "I wasimpressed by the level of technological expertise I met and the adviceI was given which has helped define and focus our research programmes.There was an air of excitement and openness to technologicalexploration and change (dare I say it!) untrammelled by the sometimesover-cautious traditions of much of Europe". More Meat, Less Gas fromCattle A team of Australian and Japanese scientists are investigatingways to cut global greenhouse gas emissions from cattle, whileincreasing the amount of meat and milk they produce. Irish BiotechNews An Irish Bio-Industries Association is in the process of beingformed. The organisation, BioResearch Ireland (BRI) recently celebratedits 10th year of operation. Fighting Tooth Decay with Eucalyptus Japanese researchers have found that eight compounds from eucalyptusfight off the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum diseases.Extracts of the plant might well become dental drugs for humans.Bioethics Group Finds "No Objection" to Human Gene Patents A group ofethics advisers to the European Commission in Brussels says that it hasfound no ethical reason why a human gene should not be patented by its"discoverer" if it can be shown that it has a function with a specificindustrial application. Non-Regulated Status Gains Ground in the U.S. Non-regulated status of many agricultural plants which have beenmodified genetically is rapidly gaining ground in the USA. The USDA isgranting this status for crops such as RoundupĀ® - ready corn, asit considers that the glyphosate-resistant corn did not pose a plantpest risk. Once passed by the FDA and that there no issues raised, thecompanies involved will market the seed to farmers in the US. Probiotic E. Coli Food Regulation Weekly Probiotic E. coli bacteriathat kill E. coli 0157:H7 in cattle's rumen and colon is beingdeveloped by Michael Doyle, director of the University of Georgia'sCenter for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement. IP and the Bt Gene AgBiotech Reporter summarised in its March 1998 issue the legal battlethat has been going on since October 1997 between Mycogen Corporationand Monsanto and others. News from Bowditch Group AgBiotech Newsletter136 COMPANY NEWS Biota - Half Yearly Financial Statements BiotaHoldings Limited has lodged its results for the half year ended 31December 1997. Industry R&D Board Announces Successful InnovationInvestment Fund Managers The Industry Research and Development(IR&D) Board today announced five successful applicants who will beoffered the opportunity to negotiate a licence to operate a fund underthe Government's early-stage venture capital initiative, the InnovationInvestment Fund (IIF) program. Hyal Pharmaceutical Issues Action Plan Hyal Pharmaceutical Corp's Board of Directors have approved an actionplan for the corporation following in the wake of their decision todiscontinue the development of Hyanalgese-D and the resultantsubsequent sharp decline in the company's share price. The primaryintention of a five-point plan is to preserve their cash position whileworking to maximise the value of the company for shareholders. AgenSought by Biotech International The WA-based company, BiotechInternational, launched a $15.7 million takeover bid to Agen recently.GroPep Expands for the Future Biotechnology company, GroPep Pty Ltd,is expanding its operations, and announces the appointment of RichardEngland as Independent Chairman. Faulding's Half Yearly Announcement BIO SHARES Covering Australian Biotechnology Stocks - compiled by M.J.Playne ASIAN NEWS A Better Method to Control Dengue Dengue and denguehaemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) are viral syndrome caused by the dengueviruses and transmitted by mosquitoes of the Aedes species. PrivateSector in Malaysia Spending More on R&D The recently announcedresults of the 1996 National Survey of Research and Development inMalaysia indicated that the amount invested by the private sector inR&D activities has increased significantly by 62% since 1992.Malaysia Needs to Boost the Number of Scientists A recent survey bythe Malaysian Science and Technology Information Centre (MASTIC)revealed that presently the country only had a ratio of fiveresearchers for every 100,000 workers. Malaysian Biodiversity Policy inthe Works Malaysia's national policy on biological diversity wasrecently approved by the cabinet and will become the cornerstone of allfuture socio-economic development projects in the country. ABA NEWS 14th Conference Major Success The 14th Australasian BiotechnologyConference held at Glenelg, Adelaide during the week of 19th - 24thApril has been a triumph for the organisers. The Organising Committeechaired by Dr John Smeaton, and ably led by Dr Chris Franco, has setstandards previously not met in Australian conferences. ABAExtraordinary General Meeting A special meeting of the Association washeld on Wednesday, 22nd April 1998 at Glenelg. New Office Bearers REGULATORY NEWS New Standard Proposed for Food Produced using GeneTechnology ANZFA - Australia New Zealand Food Authority released on 25February 1998 a "Statement of Reasons - proposal P97 for recommendingStandard A18-Foods produced using Gene Technology". FederalGovernment-Funded Research Schemes Large Grants Research Fellowships International Research Fellowships Strategic Partnerships withIndustry-Research and Training (SPIRT) Scheme Australian PostgraduateAwards (with stipend) Australian Postgraduate Awards (without stipend) Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarships Small Grants ResearchInfrastructure Research Centres Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderResearchers Development Special Research Initiatives InternationalResearch Projects Biocomputing New Internet Site Honours Howard Florey,Australian Creator of Penicillin A new Internet site detailing thelife and achievements of Howard Florey, was launched on 26 Feb inAdelaide by the Federal Minister for Health and Family Services, Hon DrMichael Wooldridge. Biotechnology Education Web Sites Aimed at Schoolsand Colleges Asian Development Bank Conferences KPMG's BiotechnologyReport Nova Science in the News List Servers - Electronic MaillistDiscussion Groups BOOKS Nine books of general interest tobiotechnologists are reviewed. MEETINGS Details of meetings from 3June 1998 - 8 September 2000. Product news JOHN MORRIS The CelligenPlus from NBS METTLER TOLEDO InLab Electrodes Designed to Meet YourDemands! PROTECTOR TECHNOLOGIES New `Softstream' Non-Aerated Eye/FaceWash TRACE SCIENTIFIC Enzymatic Antimitochondrial Antibody (M2)Reagent ABA OFFICE BEARERS ISSUES Biotechnology YES, A Scheme forAustralia? Copyright 1998 Australian Biotechnology Association Ltd.
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