Empowerment Zone Designation and Community Economic Development in Minneapolis, MN.
The Empowerment Zone is a federal program designed to incentivize investment in economically blighted communities. The Empowerment Zone provides a combination of federal grant money for community development initiatives along with tax incentives for private sector firms that locate in zone areas. This study explores the effects of Empowerment Zone designation on community economic development in Minneapolis, MN. The project employs both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to study the Empowerment Zone. GIS mapping and analysis explores changes in socio-demographic stakeholders and government officials provide insight into the Empowerment Zone planning and implementation process. The Minneapolis Empowerment Zone program was able to bolster community development projects over the course of its existence, but it did not succeed in dramatically improving the employment options of zone residents or in facilitating entrepreneurial growth.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Popuch, Elias |
Publisher: |
Macalester College |
Subject: | community economic development | Geography |
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