Environment-related employment in the Netherlands, 1997
In the second half of 1999 Statistics Netherlands carried out an ad hoc project on environment-related employment in the Netherlands. The European Commission co-financed this project under the Community programme Environmental protection and employment. Direct environment-related employment in the Netherlands estimated at least at 92,000 (end of 1997), which is about 1,3 % of total employment. Some 34,000 of these jobs were in local and central government.
Alternative title: | prepared for DG Environment and Eurostat |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Dietz, Egon ; Kuipers, Rob ; Salomons, Rob |
Institutions: | Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Umwelt (contributor) |
Subject: | EU-Umweltpolitik | EU environmental policy | Beschäftigung | employment | Niederlande | Netherlands | Umweltökonomie | environmental economy | Umweltpolitik | environmental policy | Unternehmen | enterprise |
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