- 1. Executive Summary
- 1.1 Mandate and methods for the evaluation of EMCDDA
- 1.2 Achievement of EMCDDA's objectives: relevance and quality of activities
- 1.3 Organisation and performance
- 1.4 Capacity & Resources
- 1.5 Recommendations
- 2. Objectives and Method
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Objectives of the study
- 2.3 Methodology
- 2.4 Key issues
- 3 Relevance and quality of EMCDDA activities
- 3.1 Description of the Output of the EMCDDA 1995-1999
- 3.2 Relevance of the output
- 3.3 Process Descriptions and Analysis of Output
- 3.4 Quality control of Products
- 3.5 Dissemination of Products
- 3.6 Quality of Output
- 4 Networks
- 4.1 The REITOX structure
- 5. Organisational and administrative efficiency
- 5.1 Background
- 5.2 The Management Board
- 5.3 The Scientific Committee
- 5.4 Internal Sturcture
- 5.5 Administrative style
- 5.6 Financial Management
- 5.7 Staffing
- 5.8 Key Issues
- 6. Capacity of EMCDDA to cope with enlargement
- 7. Capacity of EMCDDA to achieve its goals
- 8. Conclusions and Recommendations
- 8.1 General
- 8.2 Relevance and Quality of the Centre's Activities
- 8.3 Success in Establishing Operation Networks
- 8.4 Logistical and Administrative Efficiency
- 8.5 Potential to Cope with Enlargement
- 8.6 Adequacy of EMCDDA's Resources to Meet ist Operational Challenges
- Appendix 1 Planned Work Programems 1995-99
- Appendix 2 Outputs 1995-99
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