- Executive summary
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Context
- 1.2. Study objectives and outputs
- 1.3. Methodology
- 1.4. Report structure
- 2. Overview of the Demonstration Objects
- 2.1. The deliverers
- 2.2. Profile of participating businesses
- 2.3. Components of an Investment Readiness Demonstration Project
- 2.4. Scale of activities
- 2.5. Project costs
- 3. Deliverers´experience - common learning and good practice
- 3.1. Section 1: Client focus
- 3.2. Section 2: marketing, awareness raising and selection
- 3.3. Section 3: Delivery of support
- 3.4. Section 4: Interaction with investors
- 3.5. Section 5: The delivery team
- 3.6. Section 6: Rolling out the investment readiness support
- 3.7. Section 7: The costs of delivery
- 4. SME´s experience . survey findings
- 4.1. Introdustion
- 4.2. the full programm of support
- 4.3. Additionality
- 5. Conclusion: role, effectiveness and readiness
- 5.1. The overall effectiveness of the initiative
- 5.2. Outcomes
- 5.3. Rationale for public sector support and its implications
- 5.4. Concluding remarks
- 6. Annexes
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10005866573