Governments and the Market for Longevity-Indexed Bonds
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Antolín, Pablo ; Blommestein, Hans J. |
Institutions: | Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprises Affairs, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) |
Subject: | pension fund | hedging | longevity-indexed bonds | indices | longevity index | Uncertainty | financial instruments | longevity risk | annuities | DB and DC plans | index de longévité | viager | plans de pension de prestation définie et contributive | risque de longévité | fonds de pension | rente | instruments financiers | titres indexés à la longévité | index | incertitude |
Extent: | text/html |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Notes: | Number 4 |
Other identifiers: | 10.1787/260561411283 [DOI] |
Classification: | C15 - Statistical Simulation Methods; Monte Carlo Methods ; C32 - Time-Series Models ; D8 - Information and Uncertainty ; G23 - Pension Funds; Other Private Financial Institutions ; G28 - Government Policy and Regulation ; J11 - Demographic Trends and Forecasts ; J26 - Retirement; Retirement Policies |
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Securitization of Longevity and Mortality Risk
Cipra, Tomas, (2010)
Longevity Risk and Private Pensions
Antolín, Pablo, (2007)
Governments and the Market for Longevity-Indexed Bonds
Antolin, Pablo, (2009)
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