How do supply or demand shocks affect the US oil market?
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Vides, José Carlos ; Feria, Julia ; Golpe, Antonio A. ; Martín, Juan Manuel |
Published in: |
Financial innovation : FIN. - Heidelberg : SpringerOpen, ISSN 2199-4730, ZDB-ID 2824759-0. - Vol. 10.2024, Art.-No. 16, p. 1-27
Subject: | Asymmetries | Causality | Crude oil | Refned products | Ölmarkt | Oil market | Schock | Shock | Ölpreis | Oil price | Nachfrage | Demand | Welt | World | Kausalanalyse | Causality analysis | VAR-Modell | VAR model |
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