Human migration from the Kyrgyz Republic to Russia: socio-economic consequences
The paper considers the contemporary processes of human migration from the Kyrgyz Republic to Russia and the socio-economic consequences for these countries. As for the Kyrgyz Republic, the paper shows the negative and positive social and political consequences of the Russian-speaking people out-migration. The conclusion is that the labor migration, especially that of a titular ethnic group, is considered advantageous for both the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian regions accepting immigrants for lack of labor resources.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Ergeshbaev, U. Zh. |
Published in: |
Journal "Region: Economics and Sociology". - Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of Siberian Branch of RAS. - Vol. 2.2009
Publisher: |
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of Siberian Branch of RAS |
Subject: | labor migration | migration processes | assessment | socio-economic consequences | Kyrgyz Republic | Russia |
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