- List of abbreviations
- Executive Summary
- 1 Scope of work
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Summary methodology
- 1.3 Sectors and projects included in the sample
- 1.4 Sources of information
- 2 Sector analysis
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Progress in the Environment & Energy sector
- ...
- 2.3 Progress in the area of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
- ...
- 2.4 Conclusions
- 3 IPA Programme performance
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Effectiveness
- ...
- 3.3 Efficiency
- ...
- 3.4 Sustainability
- 4 Analysis of the impact of IPA assistance
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Does IPA assistance address priority issues?
- 4.3 Impact in Environment& Energy
- 4.4 Impact in Agriculture& Fisheries
- 4.5 Additional impact
- ...
- 4.6 Conclusions on impact
- 5 Key conclusions and recommendations
- 5.1 Thematic and programme level conclusions
- 5.2 Recommendations
- ...
- Annexes
- Annex 1 Evaluation Matrix
- Annex 2 List of documents used
- Annex 3 List of interviews
- Annex 4 List of people trained
- Annex 5 Detailed sector analysis
- Annex 6 The evaluation methodology
- Annex 7 Debriefing note
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10011476642