(Keine) Angst vor Robotern? Aktualisierte Befunde zu potenziellen Beschäftigungseffekten der Digitalisierung
Alternative title: | (No) fear of robots? Updated findings on the potential employment effects of digitalisation |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Stettes, Oliver |
Published in: |
IW-Trends - Vierteljahresschrift zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung. - Köln : Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW), ISSN 1864-810X. - Vol. 47.2020, 4, p. 85-103
Publisher: |
Köln : Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) |
Subject: | Arbeitskräftenachfrage | technischer Wandel: Entscheidungen und Tragweite | Diffusionsprozesse |
Type of publication: | Article |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Article |
Language: | German |
Other identifiers: | 10.2373/1864-810X.20-04-05 [DOI] 1743717490 [GVK] hdl:10419/229964 [Handle] RePEc:zbw:iwktre:229964 [RePEc] |
Classification: | J23 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-Employment ; O33 - Technological Change: Choices and Consequences; Diffusion Processes |
Source: |
Stettes, Oliver, (2020)
Innovation, labour demand and wages in Poland: some introductory results using micro-macro data
Walewski, Mateusz, (2009)
Openness and technological innovation in East Asia : have they increased the demand for skills?
Almeida, Rita, (2009)
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