Member states competitiveness performance and policies
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Unternehmen und Industrie |
Subject: | EU-Staaten | EU countries | Wettbewerb | Competition |
Consolidation and competition in the banking industries of the EU member and candidate countries
Kasman, Adnan, (2010)
Links between retail payment systems in the EU : call for standardisation
Črnugelj, Sašo, (2015)
How much does speed matter in the fixed to mobile broadband substitution in Europe?
Cincera, Michele, (2015)
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Organisation chart : European Commission, Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry (01.06.2006)
Organisation chart : European Commission, Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry (01.04.2007)
Organisation chart : European Commission, Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry (18.06.2007)
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