Mindestlohn kein geeignetes Instrument gegen Armut in Deutschland
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Müller, Kai-Uwe ; Steiner, Viktor |
Published in: |
DIW Wochenbericht. - Berlin : Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), ISSN 1860-8787. - Vol. 75.2008, 22, p. 298-300
Publisher: |
Berlin : Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) |
Subject: | Mindestlohn | Armut | Lohnniveau | Einkommensverteilung | Mikrosimulation | Deutschland | Minimum wage | Wage distribution | Poverty reduction | Microsimulation |
Type of publication: | Article |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Article |
Language: | German |
Other identifiers: | hdl:10419/151613 [Handle] RePEc:diw:diwwob:75-22-3 [RePEc] |
Classification: | I32 - Measurement and Analysis of Poverty ; H31 - Household ; J32 - Nonwage Labor Costs and Benefits; Private Pensions |
Source: |
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