Nachhaltiges Produktivitätswachstum und Qualität des Arbeitsleben : Anhörungen am 12. Juni und 9. September 2008
On 12 June and 9 September 2008 the EESC Labour Market Observatory organised two hearings on "Sustainable Productivity Growth and Quality of Working Life".
Alternative title: | Sustainable productivity growth and quality of working life : hearings of 12 and 9 september 2008 |
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss |
Subject: | Arbeitsproduktivität | Labour productivity | Lebensqualität | Quality of life | Wachstumspolitik | Growth policy | Produktivität | productivity |
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Extent: | 479232 bytes 418816 bytes 437248 bytes 37 Seiten p. 36 Seiten p. application/pdf |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English ; German ; French |
ISBN: | 978-92-830-1122-4 ; 978-92-830-1123-1 ; 978-92-830-1121-7 |
Classification: | Conditions of work ; Individual Reports, Studies ; Europe. General Resources |
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