Parliamentary Control of Budget Implementation
This study aims to describe control of the EU budget exercised by the EuropeanParliament, in particular ex-post control of the budget after it has been implemented,and to compare it to ex-post control of national budgets carried out by the parliamentsof the EU Member States.The subject is introduced by a brief overview of budgetary control in the different phasesof the EU budgetary cycle. The study then focuses on the discharge procedure itself.After considering what this control function consists of, the study presents howparliaments carry it out and provides an overview of the examination of the EU budgetby Member States. Subsequently, it identifies prerogatives and roles of other actorsinvolved in the discharge procedure, notably the Supreme Audit Institutions and theExecutive. The study closes with a brief presentation of the consequences resulting fromexercising budgetary control.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Kanis, Anna Marlene |
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Europäische Union / Europäisches Parlament |
Subject: | Budget | budget | Kontrollsystem | control system |
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