Racism, discrimination, intolerance and extremism : learning from experiences in Greece and Hungary
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Agency for Fundamental Rights, Wien |
Subject: | Zigeuner | gipsy | Griechenland | Greece | Radikalismus | radicalism | Rassismus | racism | Ungarn | Hungary |
Roma women in Athenian firms : do they face wage bias?
Drydakis, Nick, (2011)
Általános iskolai szegregáció Magyarországon az ezredforduló után
Kertesi, Gábor, (2009)
Mixed-ethnic partnerships and ethnic reproduction among Roma women in Hungary
Szabó, Laura, (2021)
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Austria - FRANET National Focal Point Social Thematic Study The situation of Roma
Belgium - FRANET National Focal Point Social Thematic Study The situation of Roma
De Hert, Paul; 1965-; Jurist, (2012)
Cyprus - FRANET National Focal Point Social Thematic Study The situation of Roma
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