Recommended readings (Machine generated): Adler M. (1985), Stardom and Talent, American Economic Review, 75, 208-212. -- Aglietta M., W. Andreff and B. Drut (2008), Bourse et football, Revue d'Economie Politique, 118 (2), 255-296. -- Anderson D.J. and J.J. Cheslock (2004), Institutional Strategies to Achieve Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics: Does Title IX Harm Male Athletes?, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May, 307-311. -- Andreff M., W. Andreff and S. Poupaux (2008), Les déterminants économiques de la performance sportive: Prévision des médailles gagnées aux Jeux de Pékin, Revue d'Economie Politique, 118 (2), 135-169. -- Andreff W. (1981), Le prix du spectacle sportif et le comportement du spectateur, in Le Spectacle Sportif, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 60-83. -- Andreff W. (2000), Financing Modern Sport in the Face of a Sporting Ethic, European Journal of Sport Management, 7 (1), 5-30. -- Andreff W. (2006a), Sports accounting, in W. Andreff and S. Szymanski, eds, Handbook on the Economics of Sport, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 11-21. -- Andreff W. (2006b), The Sports Goods Industry, in W. Andreff and S. Szymanski, eds, Handbook on the Economics of Sport, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 27-39. -- Andreff W. (2006c), Voluntary Work, in W. Andreff and S. Szymanski, eds, Handbook on the Economics of Sport, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 219-224. -- Andreff W. (2007a), Régulation et institutions en économie du sport, Revue de la Régulation: Capitalisme, Institutions, Pouvoirs, no. 1, varia (27 pages). -- Andreff W. (2007b), French Football: A Financial Crisis Rooted in Weak Governance, Journal of Sports Economics, 8 (6), 652-661. -- Andreff W. (2008), Globalization of the Sports Economy, Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, 3, 13-32. -- Andreff W. (2009), Equilibre compétitif et contrainte budgétaire dans une ligue de sport professionnel. Vers une meilleure gouvernance du football français, Revue Economique, 60 (2), 591-634. -- Andreff W. and S. Szymanski, eds (2006), Handbook on the Economics of Sport, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. -- Andreff W., J.-F. Bourg, B. Halba and J.-F. Nys (1994), The Economic Impact of Sport in Europe: Financing and Economic Impact, Background document, 14th Informal Meeting of European Sports Ministers, Strasbourg: Council of Europe. -- Baade R.A., R.W. Baumann and V.A. Matheson (2008a), Assessing the Economic Impact of College Football Games on Local Economies, Journal of Sports Economics, 9 (6), 628-643. -- Baade R.A., R.W. Baumann and V.A. Matheson (2008b), Selling the Game: Estimating the Economic Impact of Professional Sports through Taxable Sales, Southern Economic Journal, 74 (3), 794-810. -- Baade R.A. and V.A. Matheson (2001), Home Run or Wild Pitch? Assessing the Economic Impact of Major League Baseball's All-Star Game, Journal of Sports Economics, 2 (4), 307-327. -- Baade R.A. and V.A. Matheson (2007), Can New Orleans Play its Way Past Katrina? The Role of Professional Sports in the Redevelopment of New Orleans, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2 (5/6), 541-554.