Regulatory Institutions: A Blueprint for the Russian Federation
The paper develops an architecture for regulatory institutions that could be feasible in the current Russian context. The paper examines two specific areas: first, establishing a regulatory oversight unit, located at the centre of government, responsible for the strategic co-ordination of regulatory reforms and oversight of regulatory quality; and second, redefining the mandates and strengthening the capacities of the competition authority and regulators of network industries. The paper draws on OECD experience and provides a number of lessons which could direct Russia’s future efforts in regulatory reform onto a track more similar to the one observed across the OECD.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Rosa, Donato de ; Malyshev, Nick |
Institutions: | Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) |
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