The Agbiotech Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 11, November, 1996
The Agbiotech Bulletin Volume 4 Issue 11 November 1996 Published byAG-WEST BIOTECH INC. Code Number: NL96022 Sizes of Files: Text: 52.6KGraphics: No associated graphics files Ag-West to Focus onCommercialization "Commercialization is the key challenge facing theagbiotech industry in Saskatchewan," according to Dr. William Riley,President of Ag-West Biotech. In his address to the company's 6thAnnual General Meeting, Riley stated that Saskatoon's agbiotechresearch sector has reached critical mass for self- sustaining growth."There are now enough companies and public institutions gathered hereto foster the exchange of ideas and resources that will stabilize ourindustry and provide the base for its further growth." Current Issuesin Intellectual Property Rights: A Public Sector Perspective (This isthe second in a series of articles on key Intellectual Property Rightsissues.) The key function of intellectual property (IP) rights is toencourage investment in the development of new technologies and ensuretheir dissemination. This is most applicable to private enterprise, butis becoming increasingly significant in the public sector asproprietary technologies are used as a means to generate researchfunding. News Alliances Key to NRC Vision: Carty Business, academic,and government and community alliances are the key to driving economicdevelopment through innovation into the next century, according to Dr.Arthur Carty, President of Canada's National Research Council. Cartywas speaking on "NRC's Vision to 2001" at an agbiotech networkingluncheon presented by the Regional Economic Development Authority inSaskatoon. Saskatchewan Researchers Participate in Microcosm ValidationProject Soil microbiologist Jim Germida reports that the University ofSaskatchewan is cooperating in a series of small-scale experimentalfield tests of a genetically engineered microorganism, Pseudomonasaureofaciens. The purpose of the tests is to examine the ability of asimple laboratory procedure to accurately predict the survival of amicroorganism in the field. Essay Contest Proves Popular The AgbiotechEssay Contest sponsored by Ag-West Biotech has proved popular withGrade 12 Saskatchewan students. More than 100 students entered an essayon the topic of "Biotechnology, Agriculture, and Our Future." PhilomBios Takes Over Marketing Role Philom Bios Inc. of Saskatoon hasassumed all responsibility for the marketing of Provide, N-prove, andTandem, its biological products line. The marketing of these productswas previously handled by DowElanco Canada Inc. Flax Council FundsResearch Canadian flax growers could reap the benefits from results ofa three-year project looking at simple changes in management practicesto improve production. The Flax Council of Canada is providing theprimary funds for a Matching Investment Initiative project at theAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Brandon Research Centre thatcould lead to increases in flax yield through improvements infertilizer management and weed control. Ginseng Cloning Opens Door toCrop Improvement New Developments in Animal Biotech Scientists at theDairy and Swine Research Centre at Lennoxville, Quebec are using a newprocess called microsatellite technology to mark genes responsible fordesirable traits such as growth rate and carcass quality. TransgenicPapaya Two lines of genetically-engineered papaya that are resistant topapaya ringspot virus (PRSV) have been introduced by Cornell Universityand the University of Hawaii. New Fermentation Facility at N.C. StateN.C. State University (NCSU) has set up a new $270,000 fermentationfacility, complete with a 150-liter industrial fermenter, that willenable scientists to produce large amounts of biological substancesneeded to advance several biotech projects. Brewing and BiotechnologyAustralian scientists have identified genes in barley which can controlqualities of beer such as haziness. The scientists have identifiedgenes that prevent barley from making tannins, the major cause of haze,and have improved a gene transfer mechanism into barley. RegulatoryEnvironment Canada at Odds with Status Quo According to an article byJim Romahn in Manitoba Cooperator, Environment Canada and its MinisterSergio Marchi are refusing to go along with the federal cabinet, whichsupports the status quo with regard to regulating products ofbiotechnology. New Cost Recovery Fees Detailed New fees coveringproduct registrations, product approvals, and other regulatory servicesprovided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to feed andfertilizer manufacturers are in effect. Food Inspection AgencyLegislation Introduced New legislation to create the Canadian FoodInspection Agency has been introduced in the House of Commons by RalphGoodale, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Canada Accedesto Budapest Patent Treaty Canada has joined the Budapest Treaty on theInternational Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for thePurpose of Patent Procedure. Legal Notes Patent for Roundup-ResistantCorn Patent on Herbicide-Tolerant Plants Events Formulation ofBiocontrol Products Quantitative Genetics and Biotech TrendsAccumulation of Trace Elements Studied Trace elements occur naturallyin all soils. They are taken up by plants to varying degrees and canultimately affect human health. New Materials for Environmental ControlGlass has been used for more than a century to build controlledenvironments for horticulture. Growers are now adding a variety of newlow-cost materials and techniques to extend environmental controls,including controls on temperature, moisture, weeds, and pests.Alliances Incyte Pharmaceuticals/Monsanto Golden HarvestSeeds/Monsanto/DeKalb Calgene/Kirin Brewery Co TechTransfer Gene MakesAspens Red Bioreactor Licensed Finance Crop Development Centre GoodMoney in Transgenic Cotton Issues Controversial Tests Trace Adulterantsin Fruit Juice US Organic Standards Exclude Biotech DraftXenotransplantation Guidelines Available Vermont BST Law SuspensionRisks Associated with Satellite RNA Genetically-Modified Foods Targetedin Europe Resources Ernst & Young Biotech Reports AvailableCanadian Biotech Newsletter for US Market US Biotech InformationOn-Line Antibody Purification Service New Publications on BiotechEthics People Watch College of Veterinary Medicine Pulse CropDevelopment Board Alpha Chemical and Biomedical Saskatchewan Wheat PoolWe Welcome Your Input Credits
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