The Bigger the Children, the Bigger the Worries: Are Preschoolers and Adolescents Affected Differently by Family Instability with Regard to Non-cognitive Skills?
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Peter, Frauke H. ; Spiess, C. Katharina |
Publisher: |
Berlin : Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) |
Subject: | Kinder | Jugendliche | Familiensoziologie | Selbstevaluation | Kognition | Schätzung | Deutschland | Child development | family dynamics | locus of control | non-cognitive skills |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Other identifiers: | 656135581 [GVK] hdl:10419/150912 [Handle] RePEc:diw:diwsop:diw_sp367 [RePEc] |
Classification: | J10 - Demographic Economics. General ; J12 - Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family Structure ; J13 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth |
Source: |
Peter, Frauke, (2011)
Peter, Frauke H., (2011)
Peter, Frauke, (2011)
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