The consortium model in study abroad : an evolutionary perspective
My research question seeks to find out what strategies study abroad consortia administrators have employed in order to remain viable entities and to continue to serve their members as expectations evolve. Using personal interviews and questionnaires addressed to consortia administrators and members, I provide evaluations of the Northwest Council on Study Abroad, the Great Lakes Colleges Association, the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, the Brethren Colleges Abroad, and the Institute for the International Education of Students. I include a comparison of how these consortia have evolved, an overview of trends I have observed during my research, and provide projections on trends for the future of study abroad consortia. I conclude that creative entrepreneurship is the basis of all five consortia's longevity. The ability to reinvent themselves in response to current trends has proven vital. For each of them, their original conceptualization has informed the way in which they have evolved, and success has been defined by how well they are able to serve their members. My research could prove useful for existing study abroad consortia agents and administrators, those considering forming a consortium, or existing consortium members.
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Authors: | McLeod, Marla |
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The consortium model in study abroad : an evolutionary perspective
McLeod, Marla, (2000)
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