- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Basics: Market Structure and Performance
- 2.1 Size and Concentration
- 2.2 Banking Technology: Economies of Scale and of Scope
- 2.3 Competition
- 2.4 Banking Performance
- 3 Regulatory Framework
- 3.1 Regulatory Framework prior to SMP
- 3.2 Main Single Market Programme
- 3.3 Remaining Barriers
- 4 The Impact of the SMP
- 4.1 Bank Strategy: General Responses
- 4.2 Mergers & Acquisitions
- 4.3 Internationalization
- 4.4 Cost Changes: Scale, Efficiencies, and Input Prices
- 4.5 Revenue Changes: Quantities, Prices and Margins
- 5 EMU and the Banking System
- 5.1 Effects of EMU on Banking Activities
- 5.2 Banking Sector Responses
- 6 Conclusion
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